Not a day goes by without children’s data being in the news somewhere in the world – in the UK a potential fine for a social media platform or the Gambling Commission fining an online gambling business for marketing on the children’s pages of a football club’s website; in Ireland an eye-watering fine handed out to another social media platform by the IDPC; in France the CNIL’s Online age verification analysis; or state-side the signing into law of the California Age Appropriate Design Code Act, it is certainly an area under increasing scrutiny.

Back to the UK, and the ICO is due to evaluate the impact of the Children’s Code and publish a report in Autumn 2022. On 30 September 2022 it launched a consultation to gather the views of stakeholders and the public to assist with this evaluation.

Responses must be submitted by 5.00pm on 11 November 2022 via a survey you can access here. Lewis Silkin will be commenting and if you want to feedback any comments through us please let us know.